
Northern Region MeetUP – Minneapolis

by Mar 21, 2019Uncategorized0 comments

CMMA Northern Region Metro MeetUP – April 18, 2019

“The Art of the Big Event: Trends on Managing Risk and Engaging Your Audience”

– Devin Drake, Featured Speaker – 

Devin Drake

Devin Drake

Devin Drake is the CEO of Virtuvent – a video services, software and systems integration company. He’s spent 15 years in the video business, working across several areas of the industry – starting in commercials, post-production and special effects, and ending up on the technology side with live cloud video. Devin is very hands-on, and is heavily involved in live event workflows, services, hardware and technology for many fortune 500 companies that use video as a core communications toolset. Running hundreds of live events per year, Devin brings a unique perspective on how video solutions are designed and executed, and how audiences are engaged and informed.




  • 11:30am – Noon: Grab some lunch and open the program
    • Welcome – Mark Watz, Cargill
    • Jason McFatter, Kaltura introduces Devin Drake, CEO of Virtuvent
    • Devin Drake presentation via videoconference
  • 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm Overview of 2019 CMMA National Conference in San Diego
  • 1:45pm – 2:30pm – Tour Cargill video facility
  • 2:30pm – Program concludes.
  • Happy Hour sponsored by Kaltura





Please RSVP to attend this event. To RSVP for tickets, please be sure to RSVP one ticket per name.