Logo for the CMMA 2024 National Conference in Minneapolis, MN, presented by the Communications Media Management Association, with the theme "Create, Innovate, Captivate" happening from October 16-18.

CMMA 2024 National Conference

Save the Dates: October 16-18

Minneapolis, MN


CMMA is a not-for-profit professional development organization, founded in 1946, to provide managers in all areas of media development and production with the tools they need to lead now and into the future.


Through peer support, professional development, networking, and application of technology, CMMA strives to advance the field of communications media management and leadership.


Build a vital and relevant community of media managers and team members who thrive within their organizations and institutions.

Connect Generic Horiz Slate Feb 2023

CMMA Virtual Series

Thank you for a great 2013 we look forward to an amazing connect 202.
Connect Generic Playback Graphic


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Ramiro Banderas

Rollins Inc.

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Jessica Ferguson

City of St. Charles, MO

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Gregg Moss

Bank of America

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Cynthia Hotvedt


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Margaret C. Munroe


“Today, there are a lot of answers right on the internet and at the palm of your hand, but nothing can substitute the interaction, camaraderie and knowledge transfer that occurs within CMMA. I’ve been a media manager for over 30 years, but less than half of those years as a CMMA member. I shudder to think what I missed, and how my career would have benefited if I had joined CMMA sooner.”

“CMMA is hands-down the best organization for media managers. Members come from a variety of companies and range from seasoned veterans to first-time managers. We all have the same goal of leading our teams to their greatest potential.”

“I was hooked on CMMA from the first event I attended. Everyone spoke the same language, experienced similar challenges, and were open to sharing their expertise. I’ve developed many friendships over the years, and I’m sure some of them will last a lifetime.”

“The people and the resources they offer are invaluable. I’ve had some of the most enlightening insights that I can take back to my department while attending the CMMA national conferences.”

“The members of CMMA have always been people to consider as possible mentors, to learn from and share ideas with. We all have something to give or share; and we all have the commonality of being managers and supervisors of media facilities.”

President’s Circle Plus Partners

PayReel Logo
Aldis Logo 2021 Horizontal 400 PX 1
Logo of Vbrick showing a blue play button symbol followed by the word "vbrick" in light blue lowercase letters, embodying its association with the Communications Media Management Association.
Maslow 2022 Color Logo
The play play logo on a white background.

President’s Circle Partners

AVI Logo RGB WhiteRule e1548114272791 300x118 1
Brighecove Logo March 2023

Gold Circle Plus Partners

An orange and blue logo with a circle in the middle.
Live switch logo on a white background.
Logo of newspark.io featuring the word "new" in black and "spark.io" in blue with a stylized white spark icon between the words.

Gold Circle Partners

The image displays the logo for Socialive, featuring a stylized "S" in shades of blue and green alongside the word "socialive" in navy blue letters.