
CMMA Panel Discussion: Navigating the Video Technology and Content Landscape

by Jun 6, 2017CMMA Blog0 comments

Earlier this spring, the Communications Media Management Association hosted a Metro Meeting at VideoLink in Boston, where attendees gathered to discuss video trends and technology. We wanted to share one of the great discussions of the day, where CMMA President and SVP of Bank of America’s Video & Broadcast Team, Gregg Moss, VideoLink Director of Engineering, Leigh Willis, and Ernst & Young Video Production Lead, Lou Davis, shared their experiences navigating the video technology and content landscape. Click below to watch the quick video to see Gregg, Leigh, and Lou discuss:

  • Their challenges in the video business
  • Big trends expected for 2016
  • How to target and personalize video to reach the right audience
  • How video quality and image affects brand
  • What makes a great video

cmma video

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