
Kollective IQ Has Some New Data Magic Up Its Sleeves


As you may imagine, childhood for someone who grew up to find a career in building data and analytics platforms was filled with… well… chess club. Obviously. Time at the library? Sure. Legos, a wide array of board games, and last but not least, learning card tricks from my older brother. With every new trick that he would show me, I would feel a sense of awe and that something magical was afoot. And as soon as the trick was finished, I would always have the same question… “How did you do that?”.

Analytics, when done right, often feels like magic. It reveals insights that we didn’t know were possible, and it wows us. It knits together data and metrics uncovering something that felt hidden and unknowable before. And it usually leaves us with that same burning question of ‘how did this seemingly magical insight come about?’

Here on the Kollective IQ (Kollective’s enterprise-ready analytics and intelligence platform) Team, we have had our noses to the grindstone building out an analytics suite that we hope delights, informs, and delivers the insights you need, where you need them. We did this by no slight-of-hand, but by spending a lot of time with our customers – listening to their business problems, understanding their KPI’s and critical metrics, and gaining an understanding of the data that would make their lives at work easier.

With that in mind, we are excited to announce the addition of two new features currently in development in Kollective IQ that add some “magic” to the platform.

The GeoExplorer

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Kollective IQ GeoExplorer

As our clients continue the digital transformations of their businesses, we hear over and over the common refrain from network administrators and communications leads alike, “We are a global company, and it would change my life at work if I could see how our messaging is consumed across the globe, and how successful it was in reaching all of our offices. ESPECIALLY the ones that we know are short on bandwidth and high on the need to connect to the rest of the organization.” We wanted to solve this. And that’s where the GeoExplorer comes in. The GeoExplorer will give you insights into how your content AND your network performed across all of your locations globally. In an incredibly visually-striking, engaging and interactive manner. Whether you want to see how much content was consumed, how many users consumed the content, or even if there was a lag or buffering event in the delivery, the GeoExplorer effortlessly surfaces the insights to you.

The Network Explorer (Peering Graph)

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Kollective IQ Peering Graph (NetworkExplorer)

We know that network intelligence is hard to come by. Getting network intelligence in a form that is not incredibly cumbersome and in the form of a complex data table is even harder to find. For the last year, we have been thinking and prototyping a way of delivering network intelligence and insights that does the heavy lifting for you. Enter the Network Explorer. By presenting your network in a “force graph”, and allowing you to filter the graph by the metric that you need to quickly know about (buffering, peering, locality, External IP’s), you can gain insights in seconds that would normally have taken hours and sometimes days to assemble. While it took the data team here many prototypes and months of work to model and structure the data in a way that will satisfy the market and delight our customers, upon release it will transform the way you can view your network, it’s performance, and the content that is being delivered across it. It was worth the wait, and the countless hours poring over the data and data science backing this dare I say, “magical” tool.


If you’d like to see a demo of these new features, and all of the other terrific actionable tools in Kollective IQ, request a demo today.

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Successful Enterprise Live Video in APAC

A couple months ago I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Asia to work on a couple customer events. Asia, and Japan in particular, have always been at the top of my bucket list. Kollective has offices in the region, and as our technology is able to deliver…

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5 Critical KPI’s For Measuring Live Video Success


When it comes to judging the performance of a live corporate video event such as a CEO town hall, success can be a subjective thing.

If you’re the CEO, a successful event might be one where you felt like you delivered the message you wanted to convey in a way that felt authentic yet polished. For the IT team, a successful event is one that went off without any technical glitches or crashes mid-presentation. And for the comms team, success might not be able to be judged until they see changes in employee sentiment or behavior.

It’s obviously important that all stakeholders feel good about how an event was handled as a performance and a task. But after the camera is off and high-fives are exchanged, there’s a wealth of hard data every team should be collecting to measure and prove their event’s success.

With an analytics platform like Kollective IQ, you can look at a number of key performance indicators to understand how your event performed, how you can improve future events, and the return your company is receiving on its live video investment. While Kollective IQ lets users dig into the unique metrics that matter most to each specific organization, these are the five most important KPIs that every comms and IT team should be monitoring:

This key metric is the entire reason you’re doing video in the first place. By measuring the number of people who watch your event, you can then compare it to your total invited audience, whether that’s your entire workforce or a specific department, to help you understand the effectiveness of your event promotion efforts. You can compare total views of other events to the same audience for an apples-to-apples comparison, or create a ratio of invited-to-views to judge engagement across different audiences.

While unique views are important, an equally important metric is view duration. After all, it does you no good if you had 10,000 employees log in to watch a 60 minute CEO presentation if they all switch off after the first five minutes. By comparing the view duration with the total time of the event, you can understand how engaged your audience was with the content. In Kollective IQ, you can also easily see on a timeline when your audience dropped in or out of the event to help you structure future events more effectively.

Don’t just assume everyone is watching content on their desktop. Mobile employees watching your event on their phone are going to struggle to read packed Powerpoint presentations. By looking at the types of devices being used to watch the event, you can optimize future content to take advantage of the preferred format.

A buffering video not only impacts view-ability and employee engagement. It can mean there are serious bottlenecks in your network that may be affecting business application performance. Analyzing and benchmarking views by buffering time can help you score the quality of the event stream, along with helping to raise any red flags to address before the next event.

Live video is a resource hog that can tie up your network, impacting both video performance and overall business application performance. Kollective’s peering technology automatically creates and self-optimizes a peer-to-peer network architecture that significantly reduces the number of files traveling North/South on your network. By analyzing peering efficiency, you can see the number of gigabytes that were saved from having to travel over your network. This helps not only prove the ROI of your Kollective investment, but a lower-than-average peering efficiency can also help you determine if any network issues need to be addressed.



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How To Prove ROI Of Video With Analytics


There are no two ways about it: video content requires budget, and a lot of it.

First of all, there are the costs associated with creating the content. This can include everything from event production of a CEO town hall to populating an on-demand training video library, with all the staff time, scripting, recording, and editing that entails. Next, you have to factor in the cost of serving up your content, such as the need for extra hardware or a software ECDN solution like Kollective to alleviate demand on your network. Finally, someone needs to spend time managing the content and responding to any network performance issues.

However, just because something requires a big budget doesn’t make it a poor purchase. When compared to producing a large, in-person town hall event or conducting live, on-going training, video is far more cost-effective and scalable.

But as a large line item on the comm’s team budget, video will always require protection from cuts and rationalization for growth. That’s why it’s essential your team measures the ROI of your video efforts if you hope to prove that video is worth the time and money your team is investing.

While this sounds obvious, it’s far from common practice: according to ITSMA , 74% of organizations were unable to measure or report how their marketing efforts impacted their business. When it comes to video, that means the vast majority of comms teams are producing live CEO video presentations to employees worldwide or creating massive training libraries without any insight into who, if anyone, is actually watching.

That’s where analytics come in. A robust analytics platform like Kollective IQ can help you measure the performance of your live video events and on-demand content in real time. By analyzing specific video content and your longer-term trends, you’ll be able to build your case for continued video investment while making the adjustments necessary to improve performance.

You can do a number of things with video metrics. First, and most importantly, you can determine the performance of your videos. Metrics like unique event views and average view duration can show how many people watched your content and for how long. With those numbers alone, you can then determine your overall content engagement. Compare your video costs against what it would take to achieve similar engagement without video to then prove ROI to your leadership team.

But video ROI is just the beginning. There’s a larger network ROI case you can make. Your video performance can act as a proxy for your network performance; if a video is buffering, that means there is a bottleneck in your network that is impacting the flow of your other critical business data. Use your analytics to measure network performance and tie improvements in data flow to business metrics like productivity.

To prove the ROI of your video strategy, keep in mind the following:
  • Analytics need data: If you’re not collecting data, you have nothing to measure. But surface-level, basic metrics don’t always tell the whole story. Your analytics should be able to drill down deep into the performance of each asset to provide the data required to unlock insights.
  • Invest in insights: To improve ROI, you have to not only measure the data but use it to take action. To use it, though, you have to understand it. Dashboards can make it easier to collect your data together in a way that makes it simple to analyze successes and identity issues so you can make informed strategic decisions into your content and network.
  • Proving ROI isn’t a one-time event: Analytics should be an ongoing practice. You should be looking at the performance of your content over time to make sure you’re seeing improvement or catching minor issues before they turn into something major.
  • Don’t forget to prove it: Make sure you share your video performance with your leaders. They likely don’t speak video, so don’t just give them raw metrics. Integrate your video performance data into your business analytics to show how video is driving business performance, and then use data visualization to make it easy for leaders to see the success for themselves.



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The Benefits of Videoconferencing For International Businesses


It’s hard to overstate the part that culture plays when conducting business overseas. Whatever the organization, wherever in the world it operates, effective communication is essential to success. English remains the de facto language of global business, but there are a variety of cultural nuances and business customs that can complicate our efforts to communicate with our international partners and clients. 

I recently spent some time in Japan meeting with our partner NTT, to discuss our ongoing growth in the region. To arrive on time for my meeting, I needed to be five minutes early. Before a meeting begins, it’s customary to complete the exchange of business cards (or “meishi koukan”). An exchange that acts as a formal self-introduction. Cards are given and received using both hands and are to be displayed on the table for the duration of the meeting. 

In North America, swapping business cards is not nearly as formal and many professionals don’t even carry them any longer. If the exchange of cards does happen before, during or at the end of a meeting, they quickly find themselves placed into breast-pockets or cardholders. To the Japanese, this demonstrates poor etiquette and could result in a big impact on decision-making. What is considered polite conduct in one country, may not be considered so in another. I’ve been to Japan a number of times for business and I’m grateful to have received proper guidance along the way.  

With so many exchanges taking place via email, chat and phone, many professionals tend to undervalue the importance of face time. I am a firm believer of quality face time with customers, partners, prospects and employees. Nothing quite compares to being with the person(s) with which you are meeting. While I’m often on the road, many enterprises have been cutting back on corporate travel for years.  

There are many reasons for this, though chief among them are cost-cutting exercises (international travel expenses hurt rather than help the bottom line). Complicated visa processes, higher airfares and greener tendencies have also contributed to this shift. While this makes sense when looking to minimize expenses and maximize profits, it’s to the detriment of our relationships in which the cultural preference is for face-to-face interactions. 

What is most notable when sitting and speaking with someone, is just how many communication cues are lost, or simply unavailable, when doing business by email or phone. Body language, hand gestures and facial expressions are just some of the important indicators that let us know how a conversation is progressing, or where it may be stalling.   

Videoconferencing technology brings all of those visual cues back into play. Done properly, it allows conversations to flow more naturally, and is especially important in cross-cultural communication, where there’s greater potential for actions and answers to get “lost in translation”.  

As a method of communication, video puts us in a brilliant position to change the way companies build and maintain their international relationships. By providing potential opportunities to connect and collaborate with partners and clients from across the globe, in a way they favor, companies can deepen their working relationships, defy the impact of distance and break down cultural barriers.  

By closing this divide, today’s businesses can benefit from greater collaboration and more genuine conversations. This not only ensures more productive meetings, but also provides the opportunity for more meaningful business relationships, regardless of whether you’re working from San Francisco or Tokyo, Japan.



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Microsoft Ignite: Inspiration In An Established Ecosystem


Last week, 30,000 people descended upon Orlando, Florida to take part in the annual event that outlines Microsoft’s vision for the future. True to form Satya Nadella kicked off the event with an inspirational message of customer commitment, open data sharing and a commitment to give back to humanity. The keynotes, sessions, Expo time and meetings kept our team very busy. For those of you that weren’t able to attend, we compiled our four takeaways:

1. Surplus created by tech intensity should be shared

2. Customer centric bundling of Microsoft products

3. The partner ecosystem and enterprise infiltration are strong

4. Data is the tie that binds

In Satya’s keynote, he illustrated how tech intensity (the access to technology and the extensive use of technology for improvement) will create a surplus that needs to be distributed equitably across society. He introduced an initiative called AI for Humanitarian Action . This commitment to social improvement clearly communicates Satya’s personal values, but also the power of Microsoft as a social change agent.

As I watched the unveiling of Microsoft 365 , I was excited to see more bundling of products and the responsible product teams into groups that form whole solutions at Microsoft. The days of product selling have gone by the way side and the focus has shifted to building solutions that solve customer problems. This is a huge win for customers and partners of Microsoft.

Those partners and customers form a very solid foundation of strength for Microsoft. The mere fact that there were 30,000 people in Orlando for the last week of a calendar quarter speaks volumes of Microsoft’s influence within their customer and partner base. There were thousands of booths on the expo floor, and hundreds of sessions for attendees to choose from. It was my first Ignite, but many of people I spoke with, that had been in previous years, felt that this year was the biggest and best yet.

As the tech intensity infiltrates the world, the amount of data that is generated will continue to increase and need to be accessed with ease. Adobe, SAP and Microsoft understand the importance of sharing that data and have formed an Open Data Initiative that will help share more data with their customers. This is a perfect fit for companies like ours, because we are in the business of moving data across the enterprise (behind the firewall) with ease and we’re proud to do that with Microsoft.

Learn how Kollective scales the modern workplace through our integrations with Microsoft.



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Kollective scales and secures your network  for the modern workplace. 

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3 Tips From Global Companies Doing Enterprise Video Right


Many companies have explored how enterprise video can improve communication and employee engagement. However, there are some organizations that have gone above and beyond to truly maximize the medium. These companies have implemented video at critical transition points in their company’s history, relied on video to better connect their growing global workforce and used video to enhance their culture.

Their results reveal the importance of combining a commitment to high-quality enterprise video with the right technology and a little out-the-box thinking. And their innovations offer some lessons for other global companies wanting to get more from their video efforts.

Here are three key tips we’ve gleaned from companies who do enterprise video right.

1. Empower employees to create their own content.

Video is a powerful medium—and finding ways to allow more of your employees to create and participate in video can benefit your entire organization. That was the case for KBC Group, a financial services company headquartered in Belgium. KBC had long tapped into the power of enterprise video to engage with its thousands of employees. In fact, nearly 20 years ago, the financial services company produced its own videos and then sent VHS tapes to its staff across the country. Following the financial crisis of 2008, KBC’s leadership wanted to find new ways to re-engage its workforce and transform them into brand advocates.

Naturally, they turned to video. The company’s first step was to implement Kollective’s video distribution platform, which improved the delivery speed and quality of the company’s video content to all employees regardless of where they were located. The audio-visual team then empowered the staff to create their own videos, in addition to what the team was producing for the C-suite.

KBC employees have embraced the opportunity and produce their own video statements, presentations, slideshow recordings and ‘DIY’ training sessions for their colleagues. The results of opening up the video production process have been nothing short of impressive. The number of videos on the company’s platform and viewers grew significantly, communication, both top-down and bottom-up, improved and KBC employees increased their engagement and productivity .

2. Take advantage of video to help build culture.

Video certainly helps improve communication, but can it also improve culture? NXP Semiconductors thinks so. In 2015, the company acquired Freescale Semiconductor and expanded its workforce to 30,000 people around the world. NXP’s leadership knew that the merger would prompt a lot of questions from employees about the company, its future and their jobs—and they didn’t want to rely on emails and word-of-mouth information to provide the answers.

Instead, the company leaned into video communications, with a little help from Kollective’s enterprise video solution. NXP produced multiple executive events , giving employees the opportunity to have face-to-face interactions with the leadership—even if they were half-way around the world. The briefings helped communicate company performance, goals, and other important information.

NXP now runs at least 15 executive updates each year, and the leadership credits the strategy with helping employees transition through the merger. “These quarterly updates have been an important part of cementing employee commitment and uniting the team for business growth,” says Zohab Qazi, IT Collaboration Services Manager at NXP Semiconductors.

3. Use video to tear down information silos.

As global companies grow, they can often unintentionally develop communication silos. SNC-Lavalin experienced this after a series of mergers and acquisitions expanded the engineering services company’s workforce to more than 35,000. Video provided a way to tear down these communication barriers and easily connect employees around the world. The company partnered with Kollective to more easily distribute its video to its multiple locations.

With the right tech in place, SNC-Lavalin’s video initiatives took off . The company established a Project Excellence Center as a hub for employee-generated videos that relay technical and engineering information. They also launched a campaign aimed at highlighting the company’s great work and culture. More than 200 employees submitted videos as part of the project.

Several years later, the company now relies on video to keep the lines of communication open between its more than 300 offices. And the communication team at SNC-Lavalin continues to find ways to use video to transfer vital information, from professional development trainings to connecting the executives to employees.

Those who embark on an enterprise video program undoubtedly want to succeed. Take a page from the playbook of these leading organizations, and you’ll find new ways to maximize the benefits of video for your organization.



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Learn More About Our Enterprise Video Solutions

Kollective seamlessly delivers your live streaming content to the edge of your network.

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