
Read the Gartner Report: Satisfy Digital Workers and Improve Employee Experience by Embracing Choice of Workplaces and Tools


In this report, Gartner analysts say, “Digital workers achieve the best productivity when they can choose their own workplaces, devices and applications, but such individuality can be elusive.”  You’ll learn about the key challenges that organizations face as they try to support their talent with technology, including:

  • “IT specialists, business executives and workers must serve on teams that are diverse in how they like to work.”
  • “Employers focus too much on resume, title, role or surface characteristics when trying to determine a worker’s path in its organization.”
  • “Work policies are generally developed as a single default with a few exceptions because investing in detailed exceptions is hard to justify.”

Gartner’s authors also provide their recommendations for dealing with these challenges and, we believe, they make the case that supporting talented workers has never been more important to business outcomes.

Download “Satisfy Digital Workers and Improve Employee Experience by Embracing Choice of Workplaces and Tools” >

Gartner, Satisfy Digital Workers and Improve Employee Experience by Embracing Choice of Workplaces and Tools, 12 May 2020, Whit Andrews, Adam Preset, Josh Bittinger


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Register for Our Final VIBE Event on the Future of Education and Learning

AV in Education

Today is the third of our three VIBE events on “The Future of Education: Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders.” During today’s event, you’ll learn about the ways video collaboration, advanced room control, and intelligent buildings improve the learning experience while reducing the health risks for students, faculty, and staff.

You’ll also discover the strategies, tactics, solutions, and resources you can use to streamline your learners’ transition from graduation to the workplace, including:

  • 5G, 8K, and IoT
  • Augmented and virtual reality
  • Active learning 
  • Virtual field trips
  • CARES Act funding

To facilitate this discussion, we’ve gathered prominent thought leaders for a panel on innovation and insights into the ways technology will empower the future of education. Our panelists include:

  • Marci Powell, noted expert in distance learning and chair emerita of the United States Distance Learning Association
  • Jay Bosch, AVI-SPL director of business development for state/local government and education
  • John Stenzel, Legrand national accounts director
  • George Borden, NEC solutions sales architect

Stenzel and Julian will share some specific technology solutions from Legrand and NEC that you can use right now to create a better learning experience.

Register for the next VIBE event, “The Future of Education: How Technology Will Empower the Next Generation of Leaders” >

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How to Create and Host Successful Virtual Events

AV Everywhere

If this were a usual year, you might be hosting in-person events that connect with your customers, build relationships with new clients, and show your company’s value. For the time being, that may not be possible — but it doesn’t mean you have to lose that source of connection.

You may have noticed the rise in virtual events as a safe alternative to on-site conferences, trade shows and field events. Those virtual events are where you provide thought leadership and promote your offerings to your guests.

VideoLink delivers the video services that empower you to delight your audience at a time that requires social distancing. The VideoLink team does it all from pre- to post-production: adapting live events for virtual presentation, putting together a compelling story, and hosting a well-produced event that reflects well on your company.

Next week, VideoLink’s Stu Siegal, their creative director, will be sharing two posts to help you plan and fund your virtual events:

  • Top Five Virtual Event Strategies for Success – Stick the landing at your next virtual event with our top five strategies for success.
  • How to Sign Sponsorships for Virtual Events – Sign more sponsors for your next virtual event by following this eight-step plan.

In the meantime, bookmark the VideoLink blog site, where you’ll find helpful resources that explain ways to create an outstanding live video production that impresses your audience. Town halls, webcasts, on-location events: the VideoLink team covers these and other topics that will help you understand the power of video to increase brand awareness, recruit students or employees, and share updates within your organization.

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What Qualities Should You Look for in a Managed Services Provider?


DSC 0373 smallUser experience is the key to a successful meeting space investment.  It is only through managing  the user experience that today’s meeting rooms, both physical and virtual, will realize a return on their initial investment and ongoing operating expense.

If your collaboration service – regardless of which flavor you choose – is available always and everywhere, providing a consistent operating interface and a rich communication medium, it will be embraced by end users and highly utilized. Conversely, an unreliable, difficult, and limited meeting service will be bypassed in favor of other means of communication, often sacrificing productivity for convenience.

Delivering all the operational requirements of a meeting service is a challenge.  These include typical technology management processes such as:

  • Proactive Monitoring
  • Lifecycle Management
  • Incident and Change Management
  • Asset Management
  • Security and Patch Management
  • Service Level reporting


Adding to the challenge, both physical and virtual meeting spaces require ongoing user adoption services and event support, sometimes known as concierge services.  When evaluating the full set of requirements for a successful user experience within meeting spaces, organizations often look to service providers for a managed meeting service.

Many service providers can supply components of a managed meeting service, often with a focus on technology management.  Typical managed services are designed to address basic monitoring and incident management, indicating their legacy of technology infrastructure support.  A qualified meeting service provider should be able to demonstrate experience and success in three key areas:


Service Delivery Capability and Scope

When evaluating a service provider for meeting spaces, some significant questions need to be asked, including:

  • How many managed service centers does the provider have, and where? Do they match my organization’s locations and hours?
  • What is the range of certifications held by the managed service staff? Does the provider have any kind of continuing education plans or incentives?
  • What are the limits to the managed service? How many additional charges could apply per year?
  • Can it assist end users with meeting events? Do they add value with a variety of service capabilities?

Look for a service provider with multiple service centers, able to provide services around the world, at any time of day.  Their engineers should hold a diverse set of manufacturer certifications, to avoid technology lock-in.  Meeting support is time-critical, so service providers must be able to provide a direct line of support to end users as well as to IT departments.


Ability to Improve the User Experience

Your service provider should be able to provide advice and actions to monitor and improve the meeting experience. 

  • Their plan to measure the meeting experience of end users
  • Their experience in improving a meeting service
  • The metrics for success. Review examples of regular reporting done for other customers and test their knowledge of how they added value to the service improvement process.


Successfully Raising Meeting Technology Adoption and Utilization

If a service provider focuses exclusively on service availability and response/repair time metrics, they are missing a key value driver for organizations today – the adoption and utilization of meeting technology.  Service providers must be able to demonstrate their ability to help users adapt new meeting technologies, through training as well as ongoing support.

Tracking the utilization of meeting technology is only a beginning. A service provider should be able to demonstrate their track record for providing onboarding services for their customer’s new employees.  Monitoring usage and reaching out to users who are not utilizing the technology can help identify dissatisfied users or licenses that can be reclaimed for deployment elsewhere.


A service provider should also be able to show flexibility and creativity in this area.  Recently, AVI-SPL assisted a variety of clients in quickly moving to entirely work-from-home solutions.  For one such client, we were able to rapidly shift end users to a new meeting platform that supports their work-from-home efforts, conducting over 4,500 end user support sessions in the first four weeks of pandemic response, including concierge support for dozens of VIP calls during that timeframe.  By deploying end user support documentation links and conducting new user outreach sessions, AVI-SPL enabled the customer to increase their virtual meeting space utilization while reducing the number of support requests over the subsequent weeks – two key measures of a successful user experience management program.


Want to experience a better user experience through managed services?  Contact us today.



mike bakanas

Today’s post comes from Mike Bakanas, service account manager for the northeastern region.  With a strong track record of experience providing technical services to a variety of organizations, Mike designs service solutions that unlock business value.





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