
Dotsub Upload and Order Changes

by Jun 18, 2018CMMA Blog, Dotsub Documentation & Guides, News, Video0 comments

The Dotsub platform is transitioning to a more flexible method for uploading and ordering captioning and translations for your videos.

As a part of this change, we are retiring the current “Upload & Order” option, that was available for Enterprise clients on the left-hand side panel.

Old menu:








Moving forward, all uploads can be done by clicking the “Post a New Video” option instead.

New menu:

menu 1







Should you need to add an order for captioning, translation or burn-in services, you can do so from the convenience of your Project Area, by clicking the “Orders” tab and then the plus sign at the upper right-hand corner, to create a new order.

More information on placing orders can be found at the following link: https://help.dotsub.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2679800-placing-orders

This new approach to uploading videos and ordering services increases the flexibility of our platform, giving you access to a wider range of languages that we currently support, while reducing conversion times for your video files.

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