

A man in sunglasses is speaking into a microphone at a seated indoor event, with three other people visible. A screen displaying "3Play" and other text related to media management is in the background.

Accreditation exemplifies the pinnacle of achievement. CMMA offers professional accreditation to qualified communications media managers who have been active members of the association for two or more years. Accredited members earn the right and privilege to use the letters AMM, signifying Accredited Media Manager, after their name.  It is a highly regarded goal for every CMMA member.

Benefits of CMMA Accreditation

  • Build professional credentials that enhance your credibility in the marketplace as a highly respected communications media manager
  • Demonstrate to leaders in your organization that your expertise is recognized by the premier professional association for communications media managers
  • Create public relations opportunities for your organization and community to highlight your professional achievements
  • Gain personal satisfaction for achieving a significant milestone in your career while earning recognition from professional peers.

Application Process

Please contact the CMMA office at executive.director@cmma.org to request an accreditation application.  Applicants for accreditation undergo a rigorous screening and testing process.  Applicants must demonstrate experience and expertise in:

  • Communications
  • Business Strategy and Planning
  • Media Planning and Project Management
  • Personnel Management
  • Finance
  • Business Presentations
  • Measuring Value
  • Measuring Customer Satisfaction
  • Forming Internal and External Strategic Alliances
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Asset Management

In addition to communications media management experience, applicants can earn points towards accreditation by publishing articles and books related to communications media, teaching seminars and college courses and accepting leadership roles within their local community.

After completing the accreditation application process and submitting required material evidence, applicants undergo an oral examination before the CMMA Board of Directors to demonstrate and validate their level of knowledge and experience in the field of media management.


Each year, newly accredited members are honored for their achievement at the CMMA National Conference.  In addition, CMMA offers press release services for newly accredited members to promote their achievement within their own organization and in local publications.  A package of information about the significance of accreditation and the member’s achievement will be sent to the member’s supervisor upon request.