When companies describe the success they have with technology, they talk about the ability to reduce costs, collaborate more effectively, and improve productivity. Without the tech systems to enable that success, companies struggle to keep their best employees.

Digital transformation is about adapting to external technology changes so that companies give their employees the tools they need and expect in the workplace. In a recent article I contributed to No Jitter, I explain why an element of digital transformation — digital dexterity — should be a key objective of companies looking to improve their operations and grow by keeping and attracting the best employees. Digital dexterity is the ability to use technology systems that support business outcomes and control how one works. Read the post to learn:

  • The consequences of ignoring digital dexterity
  • How to promote a culture that embraces collaboration
  • The benefits of the digital workplace

The article also includes links to brief, valuable resources you’ll want to bookmark and share.

Read “Digital Dexterity: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees” >

Reach out to AVI-SPL at sales@avispl.com or  866-559-8197 to share your challenges and needs with getting the right collaboration technology to support your organization.

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