
Content Creation with Purpose: The Shift to Sustainable Production


Creatives. Producers. Production Managers. Heads of Post.

It’s time to change the conversation.

I recently did the BAFTA albert Sustainability Champion Programme where I was shocked to find out that 1 day of screen production equates to over a full year’s carbon emissions for an average UK citizen.

I think of how many hours of production I have led or been a part of over the last 20 years, honestly it must be 100,000 hours, over every continent.

This hit home when my 6-year-old son, proudly wearing his Eco Monitor badge, asked me what I was doing at work to help the environment. He said, “You have a big team all across the world, what are you doing about that?” His question stopped me in my tracks.

To be honest I didn’t have a good enough response. The large technology company I was working for at the time had a great ESG policy but on a team level, it wasn’t something we had built into our workflows and processes.

Charlie Eco Council-1

Reducing Carbon Footprints in Production

From that moment, I knew I had to make a shift and inspire the in-house global creative and production team I was leading at the time to do the same.

So, what changes were made? Learning that the highest emissions in production were travel and energy, we took a step back and dialed in on those elements.

  1. Encouraged the team to manage productions remotely and book local crews, this meant they got super refined on creative direction and pre-production and honed their communication skills to ninja level – communicating virtually can be challenging (especially if there is a language barrier), but I promise you if you prepare your local crew, provide clear pre-production and creative guidance and most importantly, trust them – you will achieve your desired results.
  2. Started running productions through carbon calculators, not as an afterthought, but up front, during the quoting process, to see where projects were coming up heavy on emissions and where we could look to save by tweaking elements of production.
  3. Started talking about it with our clients and marketing stakeholders. A lot of them hadn’t considered the emissions their marketing visions would have, but as soon as they were aware, they wanted to hear more and became true collaborators and partners in the mission.
  4. Bringing suppliers along on the journey, working with crew houses and local studios to make energy-efficient choices. From using eco-tariffs from energy suppliers to choosing LED battery lights where possible.
  5. Deep dived on catering, banning single-use plastic bottles and coffee cups, and looking at the menu options, limiting beef options.

Out of all of these steps, the most important one was education and changing the conversation. Empowering individuals to make decisions based on the environmental impact and to challenge our partners, our suppliers and each other on our sustainable creative and production.

But where are we as we look forward to everything 2025 has to offer? Sustainability has now made it onto the mainstream agenda, with interesting and informative conversations at Creative Operations, Campaign Live, the ANA Masters of Marketing & Bristol Creative Industries. Continued change is still needed and conversations during briefing, through creative ideation, production, and post-production should continue to drive the conversation.


The Sustainability Mission: Creating with Purpose

The UK film industry has pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 . For this to become a reality, carbon output needs to be reduced by 90-95%…this needs to be addressed today. As an industry we need to reconsider our mindset, our current practices, the way we ideate creative, and deliver on it. 

Now is the time to let creativity lead, to inspire new and innovative solutions that transform the way we create content. Advertising and branded content have a history of setting the tone, making cultural stands, and changing the conversation – it is all our responsibility to make sustainability a central part of the brief, the creative, the pre-production, production, and post-production. There are no more excuses.

For your next project, I challenge you to build sustainability into the original marketing brief, into the creative ideation, and all the way through the production ecosystem. 



Looking to begin meaningful discussions with your team about sustainability? Download our free guide as a starting point . It offers ideas and insights on how to incorporate sustainable practices into the content creation process, helping you reimagine workflows with the environment in mind. Or drop me a note ! Together, we can lead the change toward a more sustainable future.



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Pre-Production Essentials: Planning for Olympic Greatness


I was lucky enough to be onsite during the Olympic Games supporting a TOP Sponsor with content capture and creation. What an amazing opportunity to be presented with, but it also wasn’t without its challenges. So, let’s dive in!

Paris 2024 set the scene early with the slogan: Games wide open! It made history delivering the first-ever opening ceremony held outside a stadium, down the River Seine, it transformed well known landmarks into open-air sports arenas, and it delivered a more responsible, more inclusive and more equal games than ever before.

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There are very specific guidelines and do/don’ts within an Olympic Games, particularly around sponsored content. These guidelines range from how you can refer to the Olympic Games, how you link any content to the specific approved sponsor categories, how the field of play is shown within content and how the Olympic brand is represented and shown.

Here are some of the things I learnt along the way.

Before the Olympic Games begin work with the IOC, your agency partners and your internal brand & marketing teams to create a ‘Look of the Games Guide’. This document should outline

  • overall messaging
  • brand positioning
  • IOC approved imagery and copy
  • required licenses with agreed terms
  • clear sponsor categories
  • examples of creative look & feel (remember to include multiple formats, ratios and layout options)
  • logo lock up’s
  • spacing and positioning requirements

Once aligned this document should be shared with anyone touching content creation across the Olympic Games and be a source of truth. Ensure the full document is approved by the IOC to ensure complete compliance during game times. If you want to be extra prepared I would recommend spending the time pre-games to create brand and IOC approved templates, then you can just drop in the real time content as it comes through, without being concerned around visual, messaging and tone compliance.


When your feet are on the ground, take the time to conduct site visits before the Olympic Games starts and you have your scheduled filming day with OBS. I can’t tell you how much this saved us when the Games were live. By accessing the venues before the Games had started we could work out the best entry and exit points, the right areas for camera set up, introduce ourselves to the Venue Managers and write an accurate and succinct shot list with photographs of locations for your OBS crew. This meant they turned up prepared, knowing exactly what the expectations were and how they could best help you to achieve your goals.


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The more prepared you are before the start of the Olympic Games the more success you will have during it. Take the time to have the conversations, plan the content and establish clear parameters for your partnership all before you even touch down in the host city.

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Campaign Live: The Business of Creativity


During the opening keynote of Campaign Live 2024, hosted in London earlier this month, Publicis CEO, Arthur Sadoun set the tone for the next day and a half… “Creativity has to be in everything we do”. On one hand this is a really obvious statement, the attendees in the room are in the business of making the ordinary extraordinary. But at the same time it also made me stop and think. What does creativity really mean and with so much disruption in the industry over the past 12 months how do we ensure we turn up every day and harness the power that lies within a great creative idea?

Let’s break it down.. my takeaway from the event is that there are three main things that ensure success:

  • Talent
  • Capabilities
  • Creative

The magic is when the three of these areas come together to drive exciting, thought-provoking, and thumb-stopping content.



It is no longer just about attracting top tier talent, but it is more about retaining that talent, giving them space as individuals to grow, to learn and to thrive in the industry. We need to ensure that our team’s are made a part of the narrative, that people have a safe space to be seen, to be heard and to be understood. During Naomi Walkland’s (CMO, Motorway) session she shared the following extract from Bain & Company ‘Inspired employees are 125% more production than those just satisfied.’ As leaders it is our responsibility to create a culture of mutual respect across the organization that will allow the best work to come to the forefront. A supported team is a successful team.



This is an area of constant change, with new technologies disrupting the industry almost daily. It would be impossible to not reflect on this and include a discussion around AI. AI is most definitely a buzz word and something that comes up in almost daily conversation, but how as creative industries can we harness the power of AI, not to take away people’s jobs (which is often the fear in the creative space), but instead automate mundane tasks, those bits of the job that no one enjoys. Daniel Hulme, Chief AI Officer, WPP and CEO, WPP Satalia, looked to define AI in his session and I have to say it was the best definition I personally have heard. Intelligence is ‘Goal-directed Adaptive Behaviour’. The thing I liked about this definition so much is that for AI to be successful you have to have a final outcome in mind. Success will not come if it is tool that is used sporadically and with no real purpose. The key to enabling positive business impact with AI is to set a clear outcome and to be critical of the information provided. As Hulme stated Satalia’s vision was ‘to create a future where everyone is free to live beyond themselves’.



By the end of Day 2 I left 155 Broadgate with one very big question… What if it is time to redefine the word creative? What does creative mean to you personally or to your organization or to your clients? Has creative reached a point of saturation? Perhaps most importantly, how do we truly showcase the value of creative in a world where the word is quite honestly over-used (writing this with the word Creative in my very own job title)… The Cambridge Dictionary lists creative as ‘producing or using original and unusual ideas’. How many ideas these days are truly original or unusual? Inspiration is taken in many forms and I know I am often inspired by the work I see around me, the people I speak to and the natural world. Does this mean my work is not creative? I don’t think so, but to land on a true nugget of a fully original idea is few and far between. The second part of the definition is actually the part I think we can have a true impact on and that is the ‘unusual’. I have been to many pitches were the ‘unusual’ idea has been put on the back seat, it’s been labelled as ‘too much of a risk’. I think it is time for us as an industry to push for the unusual, to be bold, to stand up for what we believe in and challenge our clients and ourselves to go with the unusual, to drive a cultural shift in the ecosystem and be brave. There are two key stand outs from Campaign Live that really lived and breathed this philosophy. KFC UK & the Mother team with the ‘Believe in Chicken ’ campaign and Shelley Smoler, CCO at Droga5 sharing the Dramamine campaign ‘The Last Barf Bag ’. Both these ideas are big, bold and ultimately in my opinion, the highlight of creative, but back to the original point, they both took a risk – but boy, did that risk pay off.

Reflecting back on two engaging, thought provoking and inspiring days I believe it is the combination of the three elements which is the power of one and the bridge to success both today and in the future.

Team at CampaignLive


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4 Benefits to Centralizing Work Flow


US-based companies identify “an inadequate supply of qualified and skilled talent” as the second-biggest threat to their performance—second only to competitive pressure. The In-House Agency Forum recently reported that 67% of in-house agencies feel they are not adequately staffed to meet business demands. Under these conditions, the search is on when it comes to finding great talent at the right time.

Why Centralize Your Work Flow?


Every hiring manager is concerned with time-to-fill and research conducted by The Delivering High Insights Group (DHI) for 2017 shows that the amount of time a position remained opened reached an all-time high in April of 2017. The hiring process, for many companies, is expensive, time-consuming, and interrupts the strategic focus of the brand. For these reasons, TeamPeople is working with some of the most well-known Fortune 500 corporations to implement managed services.

Partnering with a third-party agency, like TeamPeople, allows the company to centralize and streamline the ability to produce and deliver more content, more effectively, and at a lower cost. TeamPeople’s managed services approach elevates the burden of recruiting, vetting, and hiring by leveraging our proven process and global database of fully-vetted professionals. Bottom line –  we enable creative and technical teams to optimize costs and focus on the strategic components of their mission, while we focus on ours—delivering great talent, in a low-risk environment. TeamPeople’s managed services adds additional benefits to workflow optimization. With over a decade of industry experience, TeamPeople can offer assistance in workflow planning and resource utilization to optimize everyday functionality, saving both time and money.

The net result of TeamPeople’s managed services has impacted our clients to be able to garner a reduction of 25-35% in headcount while maximizing the amount of work produced through proper utilization of resources, centralizing workflow functions, data application, and leveraging technology.  Overall, some of our clients have experienced over 30% savings in their programs as well as becoming fully charged-back units.

TeamPeople has successfully implemented Managed Services for departments specializing in

  • In-house agency and creative services
  • Audio/visual production
  • Post-production services
  • Digital media operations
  • Broadcast operations
  • Partnering with digital asset management and media management

Key drivers and benchmarks of a managed services approach


1. Agility

In the creative industry, needs change daily. Multi-city events occur regularly; technical project requirements evolve and there are certain times of the year where teams must be able to scale up and down to address moment-by-moment needs. If we had to identify the #1 advantage of our approach, this would be it. Our worldwide database of creative and technical talent allows us to quickly scale your team based on current project needs.


2. Cost savings

A managed services approach allows you to quantify your costs. By creating benchmarks and rate cards, there is transparency in the cost of each hire. This approach also drives better utilization of talent while our clients’ costs typically decrease by a third.


3. Innovation

We work with our clients to initiate seamless processes by driving efficiencies through new technology platforms and workflow solutions. With managed services, you’re free to pivot and remodel rather than being locked into your existing workflow and procedures. A recent survey reports that while 90% of CFOs feel optimistic about growth through innovation, two thirds say that searching for skilled candidates stands in their way. We’re known for becoming a think tank for our clients and driving adaptation to emerging trends and systems.


4. Compliance

A managed services approach decreases risk on all fronts. Brand risk drops because every team member is committed to brand compliance. Legal risk dissipates since TeamPeople handles worker compliance and supplier ethics and audits. Our HR department handles classifications and legal issues, lines of accountability, and compliance with local, state, and federal wage and labor laws. This has become a growing area of concern by many as a report by the Department of Professional Employees (DPE) states that “On both the federal and state levels, fines [for misclassification of workers] can be as much as 100 percent of the employment tax due.”

Adopting a managed services model is known to be an efficient way to stay up to date on technology, have access to necessary skill-sets and address a range of issues related to cost, quality of work, and risk. Our approach considers your brand, the people, technology, and processes. Are you looking to scale your team? Does your technology infrastructure need a facelift? Contact us!

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Simplifying the Video Production Process


The average consumer is watching short-form and long-form videos every hour of every day on every platform. In today’s content-driven world, we’re at a point where video is no longer a trend but rather a social normality. For companies and brands looking to connect with their audience on an advanced level, video is an essential piece of your content strategy that cannot be overlooked!


Fueling the Fire

Facebook, a brand known for its ever-changing, trend-based algorithms, is facilitating the growth of video on social media and requiring companies and brands to get on board. With native video posts on the platform increasing in the U.S. by 94% annually, Facebook has amended its ad structure to compel business owners to leverage video in return for the impressions they desire. If a marketer is looking to increase brand awareness on Facebook, they need to embrace video. Otherwise, their content won’t receive the engagement it deserves!

Without a doubt, YouTube has also helped fuel this fire – a fire they arguably started. YouTube reports a rise in mobile video consumption by 100% every year. According to Hubspot , with 400 hours of video content uploaded every minute, the sheer amount of video content on YouTube is overwhelming, yet wholly justified. People are searching and watching YouTube videos at a shocking rate of 1 billion collective hours per day. From tutorials to music videos to streaming for entertainment purposes, your customers don’t just want video content – they expect it and are growing to rely on it. 


What Goes Into Making A Great Video?

Unfortunately, video production is one of the most complex and intricate processes in all of inbound marketing. Compared to written content, this is especially apparent. Any company can combine a talented writer who understands SEO with a graphic designer, and they’ve got blogs, e-books, and white papers galore. But video? Video is a different game.


It starts in pre-production. 

Before you even begin storyboarding, you need to have a solid understanding of the capabilities and tools available to you. It’s essential to be aware of the budget, abilities, and limitations of your video production software and the team at your disposal. Be sure to establish facilities for shooting and a team of talented writers, actors, designers, editors, and so forth who are essential to complete the project. On top of everything, the most critical aspect of pre-production is crafting the message. No matter how advanced your technology and team are, the quality of the content and story is paramount to the success of the video. A great video elicits a response in its viewers and drives engagement. These factors impact everything from the successful production of the video to your efficiency and ROI.


Next up is production. 

Chances are, this is where you may need some outside help. Hands down, skilled camera operators, professional lighting, and sound equipment can vastly improve the quality of your video. From a psychological perspective, videos with higher production quality have a higher perceived value of the message. Consider your audience, buyer personas, or ideal viewers, and use that to gauge the level of sophistication that your video needs. Be creative and use what is available to you to express the message you strategically crafted


The final stage of the process is post-production. 

You’ve put a lot of great work into your video so far, but post-production is where the magic happens. Exciting transitions, graphics, or animation can enhance any video and make it come to life, drastically increasing viewer engagement and ultimately extending the reach of your video. 

The part that’s not magic is how long it can take. Post-production is a time-consuming and detail-oriented process. It’s important not to underestimate the length of time needed when building out your initial timeline. Having an experienced editor or post-production designer in your arsenal can prove to be extremely beneficial, especially when working under a strict deadline. An experienced editor can also correct or improve quality issues from the production stage, such as lighting and sound. Subtitles are also a highly recommended enhancement since WordStream  announced that people watch 85% of videos on Facebook with the sound off. Subtitles will also ensure the inclusivity of those with hearing impairments!

Need extra help? We built a free, downloadable checklist to help you stay on track!

For Blog 2

Download the Checklist


Outsourcing the Help You Need


Let’s all agree that video production can be a complicated process! For many marketing teams without a dedicated in-house video team, creating a video initiative requires a great deal of commitment. From having the essential tools and resources to the necessary training and skills, it’s easy to see why outsourcing is a standard solution. Outsourcing the video production and/or the post-production work allows your marketing team to play to their strengths in focusing on content creation to market the final video. Not only can it save you time, but outsourcing these processes also brings quality and professionalism to your message and brand.

However you choose to incorporate video into your company or brand’s strategy, it’s well worth it. According to Insivia , 52% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. Moreover, marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users.


It’s time for you to take advantage of the flexibility of outsourcing! TeamPeople  has an international database of 40,000+ freelancers specializing in digital media, technology, and creative work. We can bridge the gap between great marketing and excellent video and take the cumbersome process of producing a video out of your hands.

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