
What to Look For in a Video Production Payroll Service


A good payroll service is effective with even the most intricate, multifaceted, heavily-regulated industries around. Video production is up there with the toughest industries (it’s called a production for a reason)! Media managers oversee an incredible about of details for multiple teams of independent contractors and freelancers and, when their productions get big enough, it can be a huge relief to outsource some of the most tedious aspects of their work to partners who specialize in those aspects. Enter a video production payroll service that specializes in breaking the relentless cycle of onboarding, chasing signatures, coordinating invoices, verifying timekeeping and researching the ever-changing Department of Labor compliance guidelines. 

What to Look For in a Video Production Payroll Partner

Effortless Onboarding

One of the most tedious and high-stakes aspects of engaging independent contractors is the up front paperwork. There are endless ts to cross and is to dot. Add the ever-changing compliance requirements from the Department of Labor and it’s enough to justify serious attention to the subject. But productions require serious attention in so many other areas so a partner that can simplify onboarding can make seriously better for media production teams. A payroll service that you can confidently outsource all of onboarding clerical work to will be one that is proactively addressing all the compliance issues related to engaging video crews and/or production teams.

Online Timekeeping And Painless Payroll

Video productions are a world of their own! It’s not uncommon for one contractor to fulfill multiple roles with different pay rates. Tracking the rules around overtime, special holiday rates, and making sure team members get the breaks they are entitled to by law can be overwhelming. An online service that keeps track of those details is a game changer. Look for one that also allows workers to input their information and supervisors to approve everything in one place. In a world with so many complex details, automation is key. The best payroll service allows media managers and supervisors to stop chasing people for paperwork, invoices, and time sheets while minimizing hiring costs and optimizing production efficiency. 

The Bottom Line

If a service that automates and streamlines everything from the hiring process to payroll, PayReel’s digital platform is where it’s at. It is the perfect resource for your specific production needs. Find out how we can help you make your next production your smoothest yet.

The post What to Look For in a Video Production Payroll Service appeared first on PayReel.

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Extending Agile, Collaborative Video Editing from Onsite to Cloud with AWS


Working collaboratively, as a team, in the modern ‘always on, cloud’ age is rarely an ‘on-prem only’ or ‘in the cloud only’ proposition – content workflows, asset handoff and movement all need to shift fluidly from team to team, from high-speed storage onsite to the cloud and back as content creators race to meet deadlines and cope with ever-changing demands.

Quantum’s StorNext File System is used by some of the largest content producers and brands in the world – and most often in a production facility where teams of creatives have the fastest possible connection and the lowest latency signal from editors to producers and content curators and more.

And while the cloud has become an increasingly important way to hand off or retrieve content, agile content creators are realizing the benefit of delivering that same ‘files and folders’, shared storage experience instantly using powerful cloud technologies as well.

Recently, Quantum launched StorNext, the leading high-performance shared storage file system, on Amazon’s AWS infrastructure, making it available as a subscription in the AWS Marketplace. You can learn more about StorNext on AWS here. It makes it faster and simpler for customers to launch an entire shared storage environment on demand that’s ready to use in minutes, enabling simple remote access for collaborative video editing in the cloud.

AWS Marketplace is one of the fastest ways to deploy StorNext shared storage and lets content teams connect from any location to edit video in the cloud as a team. You can speed up post-production workflows by accessing data and collaborating remotely, eliminating the need to copy or transfer files between users.

It’s a powerful new tool to help augment and amplify the work of physical StorNext deployments with a hybrid onsite and cloud solution, and part of evolving, increasingly global content production strategy.

Here are some of the key benefits to building an agile workflow powered by StorNext on AWS:

  • Launch a complete StorNext shared storage environment when needed, then spin it down when it’s no longer needed. Choose from a range of shared storage sizes, launch it within the AWS management console, and creative team members around the world can access the new shared storage in minutes.
  • Users can access data and collaborate from anywhere with no need to copy files between users. Since there’s no specialized connector or physical access needed, users can connect to their team’s shared storage from anywhere they happen to be—on location, in the field, or at home—yet still have the full StorNext managed, shared storage service as if they were working together in the same facility.
  • Works seamlessly for users and applications expecting a file and folder interface. StorNext on AWS is StorNext, so users can browse and manage files together in a familiar files and folders interface to speed and organize your team’s work.
  • Use powerful StorNext services to extend and unite your workflows. Move raw content in—and finished content out—of your StorNext in the cloud instance with powerful file movement and orchestration tools FlexSync and FlexTier as part of your evolving content production and management operations.

Learn more about StorNext on AWS

Visit our StorNext on AWS webpage, read the Solution Brief, or go directly to the StorNext on AWS Marketplace page.

Listen in on the joint Quantum and AWS to dive into more detail on the solution and see workflow examples of how you can use it.

Listen Now

The post Extending Agile, Collaborative Video Editing from Onsite to Cloud with AWS appeared first on Quantum Blog.

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10 emotions of Thanksgiving Week (Brought to You by Will Ferrell)


Once a year, a holiday that calls to mind all we have to be grateful for rolls around. And every year, we think of you–the clients and customers who make our work possible. We also think of pie. This year, we’re sharing 10 emotions of Thanksgiving week (with a little help from Will Ferrell gifs).

10 emotions of Thanksgiving Week


On Monday, with a short workweek ahead and the comforting knowledge that nobody’s calling a meeting on Wednesday.


On Tuesday, when we realize that if the year keeps going at this speed, 2023 is basically tomorrow.


As we strategize our meal–knowing we need to leave room for Aunt Ida’s corn soufflé and Grandma’s cookies with the “secret” ingredient (everybody knows it’s almond extract).


When we try to decide which treats to bake, consume, or skip altogether.


When the conversation inevitably turns to politics and we have to decide whether to body slam Aunt Ida or hand her a drink and gracefully change the subject.


When we eat the first, middle, and last pieces of pumpkin pie and then opt to plop down in front of the football game.


Did someone say stretchy pants?


When you’ve baked and stirred and whisked everything under the sun and you still have a dozen dishes to go.


For family, friends, and love (hopefully).


When it’s finally Thursday and for the first time all year, nobody’s in a hurry.


The post 10 emotions of Thanksgiving Week (Brought to You by Will Ferrell) appeared first on PayReel.

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