
Workforce Trends To Watch



Still reeling from the effects of the Great Resignation, the workforce landscape has yet to settle. Compounded by an uncertain economic outlook and louder calls for a more positive employee experience, smart organizations are rethinking their labor policies and considering ways to restructure their workforce to stay productive and generate profits.

Let’s explore rising workforce trends and the most effective strategies to stay ahead.

Healing pandemic trauma to boost productivity

While the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has receded, societal, economic, and emotional turbulence remain a reality, resulting in overall negative emotions in the workplace. In 2022, 48% of U.S. employees felt stressed on the job, and over 70% of those surveyed believed their organization did not care about their well-being, according to research by Gallup .

Companies are taking note of these concerns, seeking to better support their employees via employee-centric initiatives such as proactive rest and schedule flexibility. These recovery strategies, which encourage workers to stop and recharge guilt-free, have proven effective in significantly reducing employee burnout while enhancing performance and productivity.

With this focus on healing, businesses are also creating open forums and inviting employees to raise concerns and voice their opinions. Such discussions, held without consequence or judgment, provide reliable insight into employee experiences and pinpoint areas where improvement is needed.

Further, more managers are being trained in trauma counseling and conflict resolution. Not only does this training assist them in navigating difficult conversations with employees, but it helps decrease employee stress for a more enjoyable work environment.

Restructuring the workforce

The Great Resignation was an eye-opening experience for a vast number of organizations. Paired with economic uncertainty, it has turned the workforce status quo on its head. Many organizations are abandoning traditional staffing models to commit to the “new normal” of remote workers and hybrid flexibility.

Frontline workers, like those in healthcare and manufacturing, have realized there are different types of work available to them — many with much more flexibility than they are accustomed to. They are leveraging these opportunities to have conversations with their employers about job satisfaction, stability, and retention.

Moreover, with the advancements in collaborative technology, there is a significant rise in part-time and temporary hires — otherwise known as contingent workers.  This workforce boosts productivity to meet growing market demands while helping companies scale effectively, reduce risks, and manage costs.

To encourage contingent workers to join their organizations, businesses are turning to employers of record (EORs) that handle more than just payroll. Certain EORs provide complete HR solutions, including but not limited to:

  • Handling all expenses — from personnel to insurance
  • Managing benefit, retirement, and worker compensation plans
  • Tracking personal and sick leave
  • Ensuring compliance with local employment law

Hiring nontraditional candidates

The phenomenon of “quiet quitting ,” defined as employees who do the minimum required in their role in order to retain employment without going above and beyond for their employer, has dominated work-related headlines over the past year. While these disengaged employees may not physically leave their positions, their impact is still felt because most jobs today require some level of extra effort to meet customer demands and establish strong relationships with co-workers and management.

Moreover, as many employee career paths continue on nonlinear trajectories, with roles and responsibilities blending into one another, employers face the challenge of pinpointing suitable people to fit ever-evolving positions. Many companies are seeking to diversify and expand their talent pipelines to bring in fresh, albeit nontraditional, candidates.

But to do this successfully, employers must be comfortable assessing and evaluating candidates differently than they have in the past — in some cases, removing prerequisites like formal education and specific experience requirements from job postings. As many employers struggle with taking such a nontraditional approach to attracting talent, they are increasingly partnering with staffing and executive hiring firms that have access to a wide pool of promising candidates.

An experienced staffing partner helps guide their clients through the end-to-end hiring process, alleviating their burden by providing robust talent acquisition solutions — from screening candidates against organizational requirements and running background checks to negotiating contracts and wages on the employer’s behalf. Not only does outsourcing connect organizations with quality talent, but it also helps reduce the strain on their HR team — saving time, money, and energy.

Stay on trend with Maslow Media

As the global workforce model continues to evolve, it is more important than ever that businesses stay on top of trends to keep their competitive edge.

Established in 1988, Maslow Media Group strives to be a single resource for its clients, providing qualified talent while offering comprehensive EOR, executive recruiting, and HR management services. With a team of over 1,800 talented individuals nationwide, Maslow Media is the name in workforce management solutions.

Bring workforce management into focus with maslowmedia.com .

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The Benefits of Outsourcing Human Resources Operations



Outsourcing HR operations to an external vendor means contracting out time-consuming tasks that weigh down your internal staff — from recruitment and onboarding to employee relations and vendor management. Yet many organizations are unaware HR outsourcing is even an option. Could it make sense for your business?

An experienced outsourcing provider can help identify specific areas within your HR operations in need of development and support, saving you money, reducing risk, and streamlining critical processes. From routine administrative tasks like filing taxes and managing job postings to more laborious efforts like workers’ compensation claim management — partnering with an HR outsourcing provider can help you and your team focus on the strategic initiatives that matter.

There are various types of HR outsource vendors out there, so consider the following differentiators when you begin your search:

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS): In this scenario, a vendor hosts an HR application and offers that resource to individual companies. The software can be used to simplify and automate certain HR tasks like reviewing candidate resumes or administering payroll reports to workers.
  • Business-process outsourcing (BPO): A BPO is a third-party contractor that handles individual HR duties, allowing you to choose which services to outsource and providing a specialized provider for that specific service.
  • Single-source outsourcing: A single third-party partner manages all HR functions throughout employees’ tenures. They may also help develop personnel policies and are able to hire, onboard, pay, and manage talent — freeing up their clients to focus on other core business initiatives.
  • Professional employer organization (PEO): A PEO pairs with a business as a co-employer, meaning employees work for both organizations. The business typically continues to manage employees and day-to-day work dynamics, while the PEO coordinates HR tasks like payroll and scheduling.
  • Shared services: This is a third-party company that helps the internal HR department manage their tasks and also typically provides a software system for staff members to utilize.
  • Administrative services organization (ASO): An outside contractor handles key administrative duties, staffed by employees who work directly for that contractor.

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Which HR functions can be outsourced?

A better question might be, which HR functions can’t be outsourced? Depending on the needs of your organization, nearly any HR operation can be outsourced, but only if you choose the right partner. Human resources teams, like many others, are often short-staffed and overworked. An HR outsourcing provider can help companies improve time management, control costs, and navigate compliance administration.

  • Time-consuming tasks such as recruiting, applicant tracking, onboarding, screening, and testing take up a large chunk of an HR team’s workday. And with each new hire, the process starts anew. Outsourcing these time-consuming tasks can create significant bandwidth within an HR department, especially for those companies facing high turnover rates and a shallow talent pool.
  • Costly tasks can also be outsourced — from handling benefits, awards, and recognition to securing temporary staffing and training new hires.
  • Compliance administration requires significant expertise to mitigate noncompliance risks. An experienced outsource vendor will navigate the complex world of employee classification, state employment registrations, labor law requirements, safety management, and workers’ comp on your behalf, assuming both responsibility and liability.

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Benefits of outsourcing HR

With the Great Resignation still a reality, human resources departments are under more stress than ever. Consider outsourcing HR operations to realize the following benefits:

  • Save money. Outsourcing HR reduces operating and personnel-related costs. Working with an outside provider can help minimize administrative errors and increase productivity in parallel, while improving employee satisfaction and retention and lowering the high cost of turnover.
  • Increase efficiency. Outsourcing HR helps internal HR professionals manage their workloads more efficiently, shifting the burden of routine administrative tasks, such as writing job descriptions or generating financial reports, thereby enabling your staff to further develop their skills and careers as they focus on the larger issues impacting organizational growth. It also allows them more time to work directly with employees, monitor recruitment activities, and predict future business needs — areas especially important to smaller, growing businesses.
  • Access expertise. Outsourcing HR enables access to high-quality HR services supported by HR experts who have extensive knowledge in specialized areas.
  • Streamline processes. Outsourcing HR helps automate tasks and provides more streamlined resources for your HR department. For example, an external company may systemize processes like onboarding or payroll, and their specialists can provide immediate, reliable assistance to employees who have questions or need updated training.
  • Increase training opportunities. Outsourced HR companies may provide and support training programs for employees, keeping them updated on skills and technology and increasing their knowledge of industry requirements. For example, your contractor may provide specialized training programs for safety or cultural sensitivity, improving your organizational culture and increasing job satisfaction at the same time.

In the current business environment, realizing efficiencies, saving money, bolstering retention, and easing the workload of overwhelmed teams are more critical to success than ever. Is your company ready to consider outsourcing HR operations?

Bring workforce management into focus with maslowmedia.com .

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Is Hiring a Contingent Workforce Right for Your Business?



Hiring contingent workers provides employers a level of flexibility often not achievable when hiring direct full-time employees — and that flexibility benefits both parties. About one quarter of the US workforce consists of contingent workers, with more companies adopting this hiring model every year. Let’s start with the basics.

What is a contingent worker?

Contingent workers fall into a number of categories. Understanding the various names to describe contingent workers and the reason why they are labeled as such is helpful in addressing your organization’s specific needs. The most common names assigned to contingent workers are “independent contractors,” “freelancers,” and “temporary workers.”

  • Independent contractors (ICs) most often work with multiple clients who need specialized talent. ICs sometimes run companies of their own, with their own employees. An independent contractor typically provides their own tools and equipment, works on a per-project basis, and is supported by an agreement outlining responsibilities and pricing structure. Independent contractors manage their own self-employment payroll taxes.
  • Freelancers also typically work on a per-project basis, and it’s not uncommon for freelancers to be employed by one company while picking up outside projects for other organizations. Freelancers are usually paid as nonemployees and, like independent contractors, are responsible for their own self-employment taxes.
  • Temporary workers (temps), usually placed through a staffing agency, are typically hired for specific periods of time to help handle busy seasons or meet other temporary support needs. While some temps hope to be hired permanently at the end of a temporary assignment, others enjoy the flexibility of choosing varying assignments suited to their schedules and needs. Temporary workers are usually paid as employees of the staffing agency that placed them, so they don’t have to handle self-employment taxes — and your organization doesn’t need to issue them tax paperwork.
  • Other contingent workers are identified as gig workers (often employed on an informal basis), outsourced workers (who may handle anything from warehouse cleaning to bookkeeping), and consultants (hired specifically to provide professional advice about a business’s specific needs or challenges).

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Considering your options

With nearly every industry facing ongoing staffing challenges and shallow talent pools, interest in the contingent workforce has expanded in recent years, with contingent workers supporting everything from delivery services and technology solutions to seasonal staffing and clerical support.

In a recent survey , only 14% of surveyed businesses indicated they do not currently employ any contingent workers. Of those companies that do, 73% claim 1-49% of their workforce is contingent, and the remaining 12% said contingent workers comprise more than half of their entire workforce (54%). Additionally, 60% of surveyed business leaders consider independent contractors to be a critical component of their workforce.

There are several factors to consider when you’re deciding if a contingent workforce makes sense for your organization:

  • Project scope and schedule. Contingent workers bring highly specialized skills to the projects they accept. Once the project is complete, your company has the flexibility to continue engaging the worker or simply concluding the engagement without further obligation. The urgency of the project is also an important consideration — if a need arises suddenly, hiring a contingent worker is a much quicker process, requiring less administrative overhead and lead time.
  • Demand for services. Many businesses operate under a fluctuating demand for service, and contingent workers can be engaged on an as-needed basis, helping you scale up (or down) quickly and efficiently. Working with an experienced staffing partner who can help you manage quickly evolving organizational needs provides even more flexibility.
  • Specialty skills and skills gaps. Does an upcoming project require a niche skill set your internal team doesn’t currently possess? A highly talented and trained contingent workforce can set a project in motion quickly — no extensive training needed.
  • Acquiring, hiring, onboarding, and training new talent is expensive, and making bad hiring decisions is extremely costly. Contingent workers eliminate much of the time and cost associated with standard hiring practices, and while their hourly rates may be a bit higher, your organization does not provide the same benefits you do for internal employees, providing a net savings to your business.
  • Risk identification and mitigation. When you’re hiring contingent workers, there are financial, legal, and tax considerations, and keeping up with compliance is essential. An experienced staffing provider delivers additional support and protection, helping you identify and manage risks proactively.

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Contingent workers — the right choice for you?

Deciding whether or not to add contingent workers to your team boils down to two key factors: the kind of work you need help with and financial impact.  Define your scope of work, analyze internal skill sets and level of training required, identify the amount of managerial resources needed to complete the project, and compare the costs of hiring a full-time employee or bringing on a contingent worker.

As the contingent workforce model is embraced by more and more companies, the value, flexibility, and competitive advantage it brings are increasingly clear. Partnering with an experienced workforce management provider can guide you in identifying exactly where hiring contingently makes sense for your business and support you throughout the entire process — from recruitment and background checks to onboarding and management support.

Are you ready to discover the benefits of hiring a contingent workforce? Bring workforce management into focus with maslowmedia.com .

The post Is Hiring a Contingent Workforce Right for Your Business? appeared first on Maslow Media.

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Staffing Up: Hiring a Part Time or Temporary Employee — What’s an Employer To Do?



Vinnie Pasquale, Vice President of Sales for Maslow Media Group, discusses the many benefits of hiring part-time or temporary employees — from cost savings and scalability to hiring efficiency and flexibility.

Bring workforce management into focus with maslowmedia.com .

The post Staffing Up: Hiring a Part Time or Temporary Employee — What’s an Employer To Do? appeared first on Maslow Media.

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The Benefits and Challenges of Hiring Contingent Workers



The Contingent Workforce: Insights and Information

Organizations often refer to contingent workers by different titles: independent contractors (ICs), contract workers, consultants, temps, remote employees, freelancers, agency workers, or gig workers. These outsourced, nonpermanent employees are usually engaged to fill short-term openings, address seasonal shifts in staffing needs, tackle special short-term or long-term projects, or offer expertise and consultancy.

Employers offer contingent workers temporary contracts until the project is complete; after that, neither employer nor contingent employee has any obligation to continue their business relationship — although both sides may find the relationship is beneficial enough to make permanent.

Contingent workers can bring highly specialized, niche skills to the workplace, offering management an opportunity to complete more complex work beyond the scope of their other staff members. This nuance can be a turning point for businesses focused on growth, expansion, and development of product lines and services.

Benefits and challenges of hiring contingent workers

Contingent staffing offers an alternative work arrangement and increased flexibility for both workers and companies, along with many other benefits — and, of course, a few challenges.

Advantages of hiring contingent workers include:

  • An external, flexible workforce of contingent workers provides a solid boost to companies needing to ramp up or minimize their employee base quickly. Economic shifts, special projects, and seasonality of work all affect the bottom-line staffing numbers. The ability to hire gig workers or project workers eases the stress on managers and hired staff as well, as regular employees appreciate the added job security of knowing they are less likely to be downsized when production needs are met or projects are completed.
  • Cost savings. The ability to hire talent on an as-needed basis is notably cost-effective. When business fluctuations occur, managers can reduce labor costs by hiring to meet the needs of the moment, without having to invest in the lengthy onboarding, orientation, and administrating associated with hiring regular employees. Contingent workers generally need only short-term, job-specific training and administration.
  • Sourcing, recruiting, and hiring employees are time-consuming tasks, and sometimes your company needs critical talent immediately. The availability of contingent workers means hiring managers can work much more quickly and effectively to fill those openings.
  • Unique skills. Contingent workers may have skill sets unique to their fields or critical to the success of particular projects. Hiring regular employees for specific, unique skills takes time and is often more expensive than finding a short-term consultant or gig worker.

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Of course, no benefit is without a challenge, and savvy business managers are prepared for the challenges that hiring contingent workers may entail:

  • Management. Because temporary workers don’t go through the same onboarding, orientation, and training regular employees do, they may need extra management as they begin their journey with your company.
  • As contingent work is so flexible in nature, managers may feel uncomfortable with the model at first. Trusting an “outsider” to do a great job requires good communication and follow-up skills from team leaders and managers.
  • The IRS and Department of Labor require employers to use concrete guidelines to classify all workers as employees or nonemployee contractors. Failing to adhere to these guidelines by misclassifying contingent workers may lead to costly legal penalties. It’s crucial that employers mitigate their legal risk by ensuring all workers are correctly classified. A legal consultant or experienced recruiting partner can best assess your company’s risks and offer guidance.
  • Companies may become reliant on the unique skills certain gig workers bring to bear and find themselves reluctant to move workers to other projects. Finding the right balance between in-house and external talent is often a challenge.
  • Integration and teamwork. Employees tend to integrate and develop relationships with coworkers more quickly than contingent workers who may not be involved with the company for long. This may lead to more cohesion and teamwork between regular employees and less with contingent staff.

Outsourcing contingent workforce management: Is it worthwhile?

Your organization has a lot to focus on — staff management, growth, new products and services, talent acquisition, and more. Hiring contingent workers is one area where businesses can confidently outsource, but only to a trusted recruiting partner . Consider the advantages your company stands to gain from outsourcing contingent workforce management :

  • When you work with an established staffing partner to secure contingent workers, the right partner will provide all the necessary resources, from internal training to helping teams keep abreast of industry trends and current technologies.
  • Recruiting and staffing. Your staffing partner should handle the logistics of hiring contingent workers: recruiting, interviewing, hiring, background checks/drug testing, onboarding, and ongoing development and mentorship.
  • Risk mitigation. Your staffing partner should be experts in the legal requirements for contingent workforces, including labor laws, state employee registrations, Workers’ Compensation Insurance management, and benefits administration.
  • Compensation negotiations. Specialized gig workers are often in high demand. Your contingent workforce management partner should be up to date on compensation expectations and able to negotiate on behalf of your organization to ensure you get the best talent, at the right price, for your specific needs.
  • Performance management. Successful staffing partners handle performance expectations, management, and any concerns related to your outsourced workers.
Is your organization ready to take the next step by hiring contingent workers? Bring contingent workforce management into focus with maslowmedia.com .

The post The Benefits and Challenges of Hiring Contingent Workers appeared first on Maslow Media.

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